Has any one else out there in "blogland" got an allotment?
Have you heard of them?
I ask this not to be rude, but 'cos I was gossiping with my bestest blogland "kindred spirit " friend Jullie from "Down Under" and she didn't know about the quaint and archaic tradition of the "English Allotment"
The whole idea being that you lease a space of land (some allotments are just sooo enormous!!)
either from the local council or the church or even some private landowner with too much (Land is most definitely not equally distributed!!) usually for a pepper corn rent and you get digin'!!
Being a green fingered soul with too small a garden and my very own funky wellies, I decided that an allotment was for me and was lucky enough got a plot about 10 minutes walk from my home.
Of course being greedy I have crammed it full of everything I can possibly squeeze in (and then some more!!) and everything is soo just shooting up..... Including as I say, the weeds!!
I'm sort of hoping that if there is some more available next season, I'll be able to have a bit extra so I can have one those romantic old chicken huts (any chance Mr. C?) and keep a couple of chickens there too. You know the sweet red type you get in children's books!
Trouble is I feel a bit guilty about wishing too loud for some more, as it's a bit of like "Dead men's shoes".... the land only becomes available if someone gives up. Moving is o.k. but, the other alternative is a bit too sad.
It just is the most swell place in the world to while away an afternoon.
Mr. Scrappy comes too and lays down on the grass sunning himself 'till its time to go home again which I have to say we do with a lot of regret sometimes.
No traffic, no T.V. no radio, no telephones....just the birdies, the Bunny's the occasional fellow allotmenteer and an ice cold flask of "Rum 'n Coke" (good thinking Mr. C!!)
For those of you not in the "know" about allotments, here's an idea of how they look.
I want to move all my tools in, sit on the door step, have a 'cuppa from the flask and talk to the birdies and bumble bees
Just how cute is she!! She looks like she needs a "Scarecrowing" partner!!
What do you reckon on allotments then?
Gotta say, I'm hooked. Mr.C is keeping a spreadsheet of our produce as I pick it and bring it home.Not only saving some pennies, but eatin' good healthy organic produce too.
Have I convinced you yet?
Get diggin' and see you "playin' in the mud"!!