Monday, 6 August 2007

Swaps, Kindred Spirits and General Excuses!!

That sounds rather like one of those wonderful "ole fashioned" dances doesn't it.... Now Ladies and Gentlemen, take your partners for the "General Excuses"!!!
But, general excuses are all I have to offer to those in "blogland" who drop in occasionally for a chat and have found me "long time absent".
Now, lets see what are they...Oh yes. I've been working extra time at my real, out in the big wide world job...Uhm, what else...Well, there's the swaps...more about those later and of course there's the "Mr.C and I share the computer" excuse... He gets home from work first and possession being nine tenths of the law an' all that!!
Basically it's been ages since I posted and I have soooo much to share with you....where to start!!!
I have been lucky enough to take part in 2 rather cool swaps and although as I've said before I'm no great shakes in the camera department, I've tried to take some photos of the great un-wrapping ceremony.
Photos unfortunately can no way express the excitement and anticipation of the very slow teasing away of the layer upon layer of tissue paper....I am going to have to rely on you to supply that yourself!!!
So, here goes....eyes closed, concentrate hard and imagine..................
"The Bunny Swap"

The parcel is delivered to the door by my chatty post man, who is almost as excited as Mr. Scrappy and I!! "You got a Birthday...Love" says he..."You got friends in the States"... "Not very 'eavy Darlin', wot they sendin' you... fresh air"!!

We open the sticky tape and peer inside. Layers of crunchy white tissue and a printed envelope all waiting to be explored
It gets just sooo exciting as we peel of the paper and start to explore inside...I should have taken a picture of Mr. Scrappy's face at this point... his "Be good doggy trainer" wold have been proud at the look of concentrated attention!!
Dear Dawn sent me the sweetest of little Bunny's all daintily wrapped in the whitest, crispest most vintagest of "Hanky Sachets" all crunchy white linen and embroidery....I was so enchanted.
Bunny even had his own little book to read on the journey. Thank you again Dawn he is so very, very sweet, I just wish that my photo's did him better justice.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was a late entry for a "Matchbox Swap"and I'm not sure that Natasha realised how "Life Changing" her swap was going to be!!!
I was the luckiest person in the world to be paired up with another "late-commer" the most wonderful, cleverest, most perfect, Best Friend ever in the whole world.
Here's what Dear Darling Jullie made me for my matchbox swap

I was at my "Big Wide World Work" when my chatty postman tried to deliver my "JullieBox", so he had to leave one of those red "We tried to deliver..." cards and I had to wait 2 days before I had a day off to get to the post office to collect it....I just could hardly contain myself, it was soooo exciting. I knew that it would be simply wonderful.
Away with the tape and I am able to take my first glimpse of inside. Mr. Scrappy chose not to join in this time...a protest at it's very girly and not "Dog treat" smell I think!!
Look at all those little parcels just crying out to be opened and that darling card....I was on the edge of blubbing by now!

Well what could any self respecting "Kindred Spirit" be expected to do at this point... I ask you? I just sat right down and had a good old fashioned grizzle. It was all so lovely. This wonderful bottle contains messages all covered in love and fairy dust.

Just the most beautiful matchbox with a "D" for Daisy, and so jam packed full of the most precious and treasured things that I cant fit them all back inside did you get them all in there in the first place J?
I have some very special plans for all of these wonderful goodies and I'm going to be totally selfish and keep every single bit all to myself... I couldn't bear to part with any of them and I want them on display too!!
Just look, a crispy white hanky sachet and the smell of this soap and drawer scenter can't begin to be described It's totally amazing and only just this side of heaven. I keep going back for "just another sniff"!!
Now this was a complete bit of telepathy 'cos "Gollies" were probably one of the few things that J and I hadn't discussed... but I do have rather a large "Golly" fetish, as big as Bears, Bunnies, Dolls and Vintage toys. I just love him,he's so precious and I want to carry him around with me all the time.
I haven't taken this bracelet off since it arrived (apart from bath time!!) I think that it has become a sort of talisman for all good things.
The sweet little cherub is going to be used on my "Big Plan". Watch this Blog for more about that!!When J asked me if there was anything that I would like sent from "Aussie Land" I half tongue in cheek said a Koala (only half 'cos if it were possible I actually would rather like a Koala!!)
Voila... my own Koala... Boy has that choccy bar got to be opened carefully so that I can do something special with the wrapper!
If any of you out there in "Blog Land" have not yet succumbed to the temptation of swapping, I've gotta' say have a go... Not only is it great fun to share things and make things for each other, but you might be as lucky as me and find a "Kindred Spirit"


Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

if you pop over to my blog you can see i have nominated you for a NIce matters award,you are supposed to save the pic and put it on your blog and nominate some others.Nice does matter and you are VERY nice.
P.S will blog your parcel tomorrow have to take pics lol

The Polka Dot Pixie said...

What lovely swap items you have received! Glad to see you posting again too ! :-)

HopHopJingleBoo said...

hello, you sure got some delightful stuff!! you asked about Glitter & grunge.. just go to Missy ballance ,email her she's the boss in charge,a sweetie.. very easy to do !

Jules of Whimsicalnotions blog said...

lovin them scarecrows ,how funny are they my favs,the widdling dof of course,the vet and the mummy with the kid hanging off her leg.Thanks for the peek lol

The Feathered Nest said...

Hi sweet Daisy! I'm just now stopping by to see you and see that you posted about your little bunny! I so love mine that you made me. She resides in my art room cheering me on!! I hope you and your family are well and it's so good to read your posts! xxoo, Dawn