Tuesday, 14 August 2007
Two Today!!

Wednesday, 8 August 2007
Ohh Shucks You Guys!!

The audience applaud as I stroll elegantly towards the stage, the silk of my dress sumptuously rustling with each step. Gracefully I mount the steps and onto the podium, turn to face you all and with eyes glistening I begin...
"Thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart thank you....This is so very unexpected and I don't deserve this award....really truly.
Please, I want to thank all the people who have made it possible for me to be here today accepting this prestigious award...My parents who have passed on their wonderful genes making me the person I am....My son, who provides me with the greatest reason to be making all my little items in the first place..."abject poverty"....and most importantly, all of you in "blogland". The biggest and best inspiration in the world.....Thank you all.
Oh well, as I've never in my life ever been awarded anything that required any kind of speech, I wanted to well and truly get my moneys worth!!!
Seriously though friends, I am so flattered to be given this award by my wonderful Jullie and in keeping with the spirit of the rules am going to pass it on to 5 other fantastic people who I think most defiantly deserve a "Nice Award".
Here are my nominees and my reasons for choosing them;
Amy from "Inspirico"....Amy has got to be one of the kindest and most patient "Blog" friends I've met. Over the last few months, she has passed on words of encouragement , bailed me out and tolerated my complete lack of technical knowledge....Thank you Amy.
Maija from"Maizgirlz Madness"....Maija has got to have one of the biggest smiles and biggest hearts. She is the only "Blog" friend I know who send a personal e-mail of thanks every time I comment on her site. Maija, you are so appreciated and so very much deserve this award darling....Thank you Maija.
My special Fairy Lady from "The Polka Dot Pixie"....(You see the wonders of blogging make names unnecessary!) Has never failed to encourage and "gee" me up with her "go for it girl" attitude. She works so very hard, but still finds the time to leave special messages for all her "friends"....Thank you "Special Fairy Lady".
Jenny from "Allsorts"....Jenny's was the very first "Blog" I ever discovered (I didn't even know what "Blogging" was!!) , and her wonderful fun blog's have continued to been a source of inspiration to me. (That girl just is so clever!!) Jenny has a good spirit and all though I know she's busy right now, I miss her. Come back soon Jenny dear.
Last but not least;
Karen from "Artful Journeys"....Karen and I don't know each other, we have never even mailed each other(this must be remedied!) but, I have regularly borrowed, scrounged and pilfered from her truly amazing site and all with her blessing for Karen's site contains an enormous collection of images all free and available for any of us to use. For such a generous and kind soul....a "Nice Award" with my thanks.
In the true spirit of blogging, sharing and this award ladies, pass some "Nice"on the world needs it
Monday, 6 August 2007
Scarecrow Parade
Barking is a the closest village to Neeedham Market, the small market Town where I live here in the U.K. and the resident of "Barking" call themselves "Barkonians" which I think has a real quaint "Old English" sound to it.
It is really a small little village (almost more like a Hamlet) with one street and all the houses (all 40 of them!!) in a row along the road and facing the "Green" with no Shops, no Post Office no "Pubs" just a Village Hall. Despite this (or perhaps because of it) the village has loads going on. Playgroups, W.I, Bowls Club, Over 60's, The Rambling Club, A Christmas Bazaar, A Harvest Festival, A Summer Fete and this.... the annual "Scarecrow Week" competition.
Some of the "Scarecrow" entry's are just so totally amazing you wouldn't believe it... so I'm goin' to show you...

"Shrek" and some!!

Now, how superb is that? I don't think that I've ever seen a "Scarecrow" dog before....and definitely not one having a "widdle"!!

Swaps, Kindred Spirits and General Excuses!!
But, general excuses are all I have to offer to those in "blogland" who drop in occasionally for a chat and have found me "long time absent".
Now, lets see what are they...Oh yes. I've been working extra time at my real, out in the big wide world job...Uhm, what else...Well, there's the swaps...more about those later and of course there's the "Mr.C and I share the computer" excuse... He gets home from work first and possession being nine tenths of the law an' all that!!
Basically it's been ages since I posted and I have soooo much to share with you....where to start!!!
I have been lucky enough to take part in 2 rather cool swaps and although as I've said before I'm no great shakes in the camera department, I've tried to take some photos of the great un-wrapping ceremony.
Photos unfortunately can no way express the excitement and anticipation of the very slow teasing away of the layer upon layer of tissue paper....I am going to have to rely on you to supply that yourself!!!
So, here goes....eyes closed, concentrate hard and imagine..................
"The Bunny Swap"

Bunny even had his own little book to read on the journey. Thank you again Dawn he is so very, very sweet, I just wish that my photo's did him better justice.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was a late entry for a "Matchbox Swap"and I'm not sure that Natasha realised how "Life Changing" her swap was going to be!!!
I was the luckiest person in the world to be paired up with another "late-commer" the most wonderful, cleverest, most perfect, Best Friend ever in the whole world.
Here's what Dear Darling Jullie made me for my matchbox swap

I have some very special plans for all of these wonderful goodies and I'm going to be totally selfish and keep every single bit all to myself... I couldn't bear to part with any of them and I want them on display too!!

The sweet little cherub is going to be used on my "Big Plan". Watch this Blog for more about that!!

Voila... my own Koala... Boy has that choccy bar got to be opened carefully so that I can do something special with the wrapper!
If any of you out there in "Blog Land" have not yet succumbed to the temptation of swapping, I've gotta' say have a go... Not only is it great fun to share things and make things for each other, but you might be as lucky as me and find a "Kindred Spirit"
Friday, 29 June 2007
"Playin' in The Mud"
Has any one else out there in "blogland" got an allotment?
Have you heard of them?
I ask this not to be rude, but 'cos I was gossiping with my bestest blogland "kindred spirit " friend Jullie from "Down Under" and she didn't know about the quaint and archaic tradition of the "English Allotment"
The whole idea being that you lease a space of land (some allotments are just sooo enormous!!)
either from the local council or the church or even some private landowner with too much (Land is most definitely not equally distributed!!) usually for a pepper corn rent and you get digin'!!
Being a green fingered soul with too small a garden and my very own funky wellies, I decided that an allotment was for me and was lucky enough got a plot about 10 minutes walk from my home.
Of course being greedy I have crammed it full of everything I can possibly squeeze in (and then some more!!) and everything is soo just shooting up..... Including as I say, the weeds!!
I'm sort of hoping that if there is some more available next season, I'll be able to have a bit extra so I can have one those romantic old chicken huts (any chance Mr. C?) and keep a couple of chickens there too. You know the sweet red type you get in children's books!
Trouble is I feel a bit guilty about wishing too loud for some more, as it's a bit of like "Dead men's shoes".... the land only becomes available if someone gives up. Moving is o.k. but, the other alternative is a bit too sad.
It just is the most swell place in the world to while away an afternoon.
Mr. Scrappy comes too and lays down on the grass sunning himself 'till its time to go home again which I have to say we do with a lot of regret sometimes.
No traffic, no T.V. no radio, no telephones....just the birdies, the Bunny's the occasional fellow allotmenteer and an ice cold flask of "Rum 'n Coke" (good thinking Mr. C!!)
For those of you not in the "know" about allotments, here's an idea of how they look.

I want to move all my tools in, sit on the door step, have a 'cuppa from the flask and talk to the birdies and bumble bees
Just how cute is she!! She looks like she needs a "Scarecrowing" partner!!
What do you reckon on allotments then?
Gotta say, I'm hooked. Mr.C is keeping a spreadsheet of our produce as I pick it and bring it home.Not only saving some pennies, but eatin' good healthy organic produce too.
Have I convinced you yet?
Get diggin' and see you "playin' in the mud"!!
Monday, 25 June 2007
"A Little Bit Of Green"
I rather have planned to make this more of a "picture post", but, knowing me my mouth will probably run away with it self. Like Anne Shirley my tongue appears to be hinged in the middle!!
I am lucky enough to live in a rather pretty part of England's green and pleasant land and having recently gained a walking companion in the shape of Mr Scrappy,
(See previous posts - and yes he is still leaking hair every where. I can only hope that like most men he will eventually go bald, then it wont be a problem!!!)
I have been discovering some of the fine enchanted places where one mad woman and her dog can go to dream and plan.
Here's a idea of how some of my special places look.

I'm not the worlds bestest photographer although with the purchase of a digital camera I am having more luck with actually getting the thing I wanted in the picture. I never have been able to get on with squinting through a tiny hole and hoping it looks o.k.
I don't think that I have done any of these places real justice. To me when I walk through them they are rather like magical fairylands where I can create stories and imaginings and ideas just pop in to my head... I wish that I could harness them all but, some of them are "will o' the wisp" ideas that tickle you behind the ear as they whoosh past and then ... pooof you're imagination is off on a completely different adventure!
Well, the sky is still the clearest of blues and the clouds are of the whitest fluffiest kind, so , I think that Mr Scrapp and I need to be off on a ramble to see what imaginary treasure we can find. xxx
Sunday, 24 June 2007
"Bunnys Galore"

Talking about Bunnys, I have like a very good swap partner been working hard on my Bunny for my swapper Dawn (Hi there girl!)
It's been such great fun making one for another Bunny fan....It's very different to making a sale item, this has had so much thought and secret blog spying goin' in to it to try to create that special Bunny!!

Would you like to see him?..... or it could be her....would you?
(Look away now Dawn)
Nahhh, I wouldn't do that to you girlie.
Your special Bunny is soooo under wraps and secret that it was made with the curtains drawn and my eyes closed!!
Talking of swaps, I have been just the luckiest girl in the world this week.
I was scooting around peeking at other bloggers lives when I saw a matchbox swap on Natasha's blog, only the closing date had passed by 1 day!!
The end result after some e-mail exchanges has been not only a very cool blog friend (check out Natasha's blog) but, just the most wonderful kindred spirit of a new friend in my swap partner Jullie.
A "matchbox made in heaven!!" She just is the greatest, she's as mad as a wet hen and I love her to pieces. I so can't wait to get her e-mails 'cos I know that they will make me laugh and cry as well!!
I guess this Bunny had better hop off to the studio and start gluing, sticking and creating the most extraordinary matchbox in the world just for you J. xxx
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Back To The Real World.......
What can I say. Life has been running away with me and there dosn't seem to be enough hours in the day. I think that I need at least 30 of them, or alternitivly I need NOT to sleep for 7 hours of the 24!!
Thank you to all of you who sent good e-wishes through the cyber medium. I did have the bestest few days with my son, even though it was the wetest bank holiday weekend in the universes memory!!
More about that on a future post. But first I need to learn how to fiddle with some photo's. (No mean feat for me)
Most of this weeks spare time I think will be taken up with preparing for some house guests this weekend.....Why is that you only realise what a dump you put up with when you have to see it through someone else's eyes!!!
What excitement the "Bunny Swap" has caused, Introductions, plans, conversations... it's such fun.
I do hope that my swap partner (Hi Dawn xxx) likes her special, unrepeatable, just made for her Bunny.
Oh no here I go again..... I'd better stop, 'cos I can feel loads of chatter getting ready to regurgitate itself and really I've got stuff to do. Stuff to store, cushions to make, mail to sort out, the list is just totally endless. All this just to try and convince people that I am a natural homemaker!!
More another time, I'm off......
Thursday, 24 May 2007
Excited Bunny or What!!!
Monday, 21 May 2007
"Free Wheelin' Blogging"

Although a very, very recent member of the blogging circle, I have been a "peeping blogger" for probably over a year. Spying in on your articles, posts and comments, marvelling at the skill and talent of you all and so wishing that I could join in with what was obviously a lot of fun.
Well I managed, (with lots of help from MrC) to navigate the rapids of the set up and am slowly (very slowly!!!) learning how to press all the magic buttons......occasionally in the right order too!!
And my conclusion, well, blogging is all the things I hoped it would be. It is a big amount of fun watching and reading each new article and actually being able to wax lyrical on my comments. (Believe me, my cats were getting sick to the whiskers of me saying how wonderful and clever you all are out there!)
But, the biggest and most exciting suprise of all for me, as a non diary keeper is the truly amazing feeling of freedom I am experiencing being able "splurge" all my odd, strange and random thoughts down on my virtual paper. I can only liken it to going down the biggest hill on a bike with dodgy brakes. Wheeeeeeeee......Freewheeling!!
Sunday, 20 May 2007
"Itchin' n Scratchin'"!!
Now don't get concerned and re-tune to a less graphic blog site, I'm not about to download photographic evidence of this condition. But lets just say that I have acquired my own hand bell and submitted my application to join my local Leper colony!!!!
None of the lotions, potions and pills seem to have made very much difference except the good old Steroid stand by (and lets face it that cures anything from chicken pox to a broken leg) so, allergy testing would appear to be the the order of the day.
But, I'm worried. Suppose I'm allergic to something totally essential! (Does any one make allergy free chocolate?)
I'm pretty sure that "making stuff" and "blogging" is safe, so, off to the studio for an early morning session.
See ya all later.
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Domestic Goddess?...Not!!

Now don't misunderstand me here, I most definitely am no domestic goddess. The thing is this........
Five years ago we had to have "Bobby" our little Cavalier King Charles put to sleep (bless her hyperactive little cotton socks!) and since then have been "dog-less". But, after a coffee visit to a girl friend (who just happens to rescue dogs), the Daisy household has adopted "Scrappy" a Golden Retriever who has come complete with what appears to be at least a bin bag full of winter coat. This he is proceeding to shed across every corner of the entire house!!
As I said, I'm not your domestic goddess type and I can cope with the odd bit of dusting in order to check the colour of the surfaces, but, as "Anne of Green Gables" almost said "I enjoy housework in moderation, but hoovering twice in one day is tooooo much"!!!
Please someone out there reassure me that one day I will have a leak-free dog, and I can return to being the un-domesticated slut every one knows and loves!!!
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
My second post
It's a bit like being pregnant,when your sooo big and you know the baby's never going to come..... Five days to go, four days to go, three, two .....
When do you decide to stop counting? I guess the answer to that is when you stop being so paralysed by the technology and can think of really cool and catchy headings.....(not on day two it woud appear!!)
As a terrified technophobe, I'm still struggling with the "What does that button do.....Ohhhh Noooo, I didnt want that to happen" syndrome. So, my poor little blog is very plain and oh so basic (it's not got any pink on it yet either!)
Hopefully, each time I post I will have learnt what NOT to touch and my blog page can begin to go through it's "fancy dress " stage. Rest assured I will still be lurking away behind all the frills and glitter!
What will this page look like in three months time I wonder.... I can hardly wait to find out. It's going to be, as they say "A really big adventure".
Sunday, 13 May 2007
My first post...
Wasn't so scary after all =)